We have bundled all available international WFP logos, in two colour variants. They are available in SVG and PNG formats, and you can reference them using the following format:

Variable format definitions
Variable Description Example
{colour} Colour variant light or dark
{format} File format svg or png
{lang} ISO language code en, it, etc
{variant} Logo variant emblem, standard, or full [1]
{size} PNG image size 1x or 2x
Available languages
ISO Code Language
ar Arabic
da Danish
de German
en English
es Spanish
fi Finnish
fr French
it Italian
ja Japanese
ko Korean
nl Dutch
no Norwegian
ru Russian
sv Swedish
zh Chinese

Loading from CDN

Loading logos from a Content Delivery Network can be done easily by referencing our CDN library, instead of your local Bower installation directory.

<!-- SVG  -->
<img src="http://cdn.wfp.org/libraries/wfpui/v0.8.0/assets/logos/dark/svg/en-standard.svg" alt="WFP Logo (English)">
<!-- PNG -->
<img src="http://cdn.wfp.org/libraries/wfpui/v0.8.0/assets/logos/dark/png/1x/en-full.png" alt="WFP Logo (English)">

Working with PNGs

If you are relying on PNGs, you should use `srcset` attribute to serve better resolution image to all HiDPI devices.