We have bundled all available international WFP logos, in two colour variants. They are available in SVG and PNG formats, and you can reference them using the following format:
Variable | Description | Example |
{colour} |
Colour variant | light or dark |
{format} |
File format | svg or png |
{lang} |
ISO language code | en , it , etc |
{variant} |
Logo variant | emblem , standard , or full [1] |
{size} |
PNG image size | 1x or 2x |
ISO Code | Language |
ar | Arabic |
da | Danish |
de | German |
en | English |
es | Spanish |
fi | Finnish |
fr | French |
it | Italian |
ja | Japanese |
ko | Korean |
nl | Dutch |
no | Norwegian |
ru | Russian |
sv | Swedish |
zh | Chinese |
Loading from CDN
Loading logos from a Content Delivery Network can be done easily by referencing our CDN library, instead of your local Bower installation directory.
<!-- SVG -->
<img src="http://cdn.wfp.org/libraries/wfpui/v0.8.0/assets/logos/dark/svg/en-standard.svg" alt="WFP Logo (English)">
<!-- PNG -->
<img src="http://cdn.wfp.org/libraries/wfpui/v0.8.0/assets/logos/dark/png/1x/en-full.png" alt="WFP Logo (English)">
Working with PNGs
If you are relying on PNGs, you should use `srcset` attribute to serve better resolution image to all HiDPI devices.