Project Versioning

WFP UI uses Semantic Versioning (SemVer) philosophy, but adjusted for this project specifically. The following rules take precedence over SemVer:

Major update

The look & feel of any part of WFP UI changes significantly, affecting the overall user experience, along with the markup and/or CSS classes, i.e.: a bunch of new components are added, or modified in a backward-incompatible way.

Minor update

The look & feel significantly changes, not affecting the way corresponding markup and/or classes are structured and applied, i.e.: when we change the way a component looks like, without changing its structure/classes.

Patch update

The look & feel changes are insignificant, or only fix a specific problem with the WFP UI, i.e.: adding a missing icon, correcting a spelling mistake, or enhancing a buttons with drop-shadows.



Fonts files located in fonts directory contain two type families:

  • Lato, designed by Ɓukasz Dziedzic;
  • Aleo designed by Alessio Laiso.

Both type families are licensed under SIL Open Font License 1.1.